The Year of Ultimate HEALTH

Are you ready to start disgesting the issues that plague your health? Join us for the Year of Ultimate Health for Baby Boomers!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cut Fat By Cutting the Fat

Fat is an essential part of the diet that provides your body with energy for daily activity and helps supply vitamins a,d, and e. But too much fat makes you fat. Reducing fat also helps reduce cholesterol and improves heart health which is my goal from now on. You probably heard that reducing fat in your diet will help reduce fat on your body. Here's some ideas on how to make that happen.

There are three kinds of fat = monounsaturated polyunsaturated and saturated. Unsaturated fats are found in nuts, seeds, vegetable oil products and similar products. Saturated fat is particularly bad for you and contributes to heart disease. Saturated fats are found in many meat and dairy products and these are the artery clogging fats. Eat these in moderation. By the way, certain vegetable oils contain lots of saturated fats so choose carefully and check labeling.

Moderation is more important than elimination when it comes to reducing fat for weight loss. Here's some tips for reducing fat

* Use nonfat salad dressing and herbs for your salad, fat can sneak up on you in condiments and relishes

* instead of frying food in butter or oil try using broth, tomato juice, or even wine cooking this way also adds a great deal of flavor

* bake, don’t fry

* use egg whites instead of whole eggs in your cooking

* avoid fast food or drive thru food

Taking simple steps to reduce your fats will pay off over the long run. You'll not only look better as the pounds come off, you'll feel better and have more energy too.


Is Your Metabolism Slowing Done

Oh well, I guess you already realized this but those of us who are older than 40 know that our metabolisms have slowed down. This means being able to burn less calories than we did in our youth.

It doesn't help that most of us are not actually aware of just how many calories we take in each day or just how many of them get burned up through body processes and our activity level.

If you're age 60 or older, there's the reality that you also lose muscle mass. Muscle mass helps you to burn calories. Without muscle mass, it easy to put on pounds to your frame when you eat more than your bodies need.

Men and women who are in their fifties burn 4 to 8% more calories than men and women in their 60s.

If you 40 years of age or older, you have to be more careful about how many calories you consume each day. You also have to be more diligent about being able to burn off what you don't need.

If you find that you are gaining weight, make changes now such as

• increase your daily activity level
• eat fat-free or light products
• watch portion sizes
• drink more than eight 8-oz glasses of water a day.

Also, remember to not "drink" too many calories. Plenty of calories are contained in beverages, condiments, and of course desserts. I've tried to make it a habit of drinking water at most meals and never drink sodas anymore (except a very occasional Root Beer). Another tip is to start sharing desserts or only taking a few bites and leaving the rest (I know how much will power that takes but you can do it)!

The link takes you to a Web MD Site that has lots of ideas on eating better for your age and metabolism.

More About the DASH Eating Program

Getting back to the DASH eating program, I found there was a second study done, called "DASH-Sodium." By the way, DASH studies were sponsored by the National Heart Lung Blood Institute (NHLBI) and conducted by four medical centers. The studies were coordinated at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, OR.

This second study was designed to test the effect of a reduced sodium intake on blood pressure when individuals followed the DASH eating plan versus eating a typical American diet.

This second study showed that the individuals following the DASH eating plan had the lowest sodium level. The conclusion of the study was that it is important to lower your sodium intake because it will have a positive impact on your health.

Participants in the DASH eating plan noticed a reduction in their blood pressure as soon as 2 weeks after starting the DASH plan. Individuals with prehypertension as well as those with high blood pressure saw improvements in their blood pressure readings.

So following the DASH eating plan can not only lower your blood pressure. When you combine the plan with other lifestyle changes like losing weight, getting regular exercise and cutting down on alcohol consumption it can help prevent high blood pressure too.

Those who follow the DASH eating plan also received another benefit: the eating plan can lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) which when combined with its lowering of blood pressure can reduce your risk for heart disease. Of course that really peaks my interest because lower cholestral is one of my main needs.

Be sure to check ou the link on this article title to get more information to the DASH eating plan.

DASH to Lower Your Blood Pressure

I just heard about a natural way of eating called the DASH eating plan. DASH stands for "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension." This concept lets you develop a healthy on-going diet. I really don’t like formal diets. They don’t fit into a real lifestyle so you feel like you’re failing. Natural eating plans are the way to go.

A healthy diet is one major key to help decrease the risk for disease. Research has shown that eating a healthy diet can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and that it can also lower your blood pressure.

The DASH eating plan is supported by actual research which was a study that tested the effects that certain food had on blood pressure.

The results were that elevated blood pressure can be reduced when individuals follow an eating plan that puts an importance on

• Fruits
• Vegetables
• low fat dairy foods
• foods low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol.

The particular eating plan known as DASH includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts. The plan has reduced amounts of sugared beverages, sweets, red meats, and also fats.

DASH works because it takes individual steps that can lower blood pressure and combines them into an eating plan. When you make an effort to reduce your sodium intake and follow the DASH eating plan, the result will be a lowered blood pressure.

Individuals who currently have high blood pressure will benefit from following the DASH eating plan. Individuals with even slightly elevated blood pressure are at risk for heart disease associated with high blood pressure.

The plan follows heart healthy guidelines and limits saturated fat and cholesterol and follows nutrient recommendations from the Institute of Medicine.

Eat More Fruits to Lower Weight

Eating fruit is a great way to have a natural "Pick me Up" without eating a lot of refined sugar. Here's tips for selecting the best fruits for you.

Even fruit needs moderated portion sizes. Don't over do eating even the best fruits. One whole fruits is usually equivalent to one serving portion.

Fruits give natural sugars and provide different vitamins according to the fruit.

Some fruits are great at supplying energy and extra fiber. Fiber keeps you "regular" another necessary thing for good health.

For better results balance fruits with grains. For instance, use fruit as a topping for your cereals.

Try to get 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day. Eat whole fruits or juice whole fruits. Beware of sugars in bottled fruit juices; you'll just end up drinking your calories. You also want to beware of chemicals added to canned and dried fruits.

Here's a great website with charts that breakdown of vitamins and other nutritiaonl value facts for fruits.

10 Great Fat Burning Foods

Try these foods in your meals to naturally burn some extra caloires. Of course, no one food takes calories away. It's how you use them and not eating too much.

- cayenne pepper
- cinnamon
- ginger
- citrus fruits
- apples and berries
- soybeans
- bananas
- essential fatty acids
- garlic
- whole grains (beware of tricky wording on labels here!)

Losing weight will help to lower bad cholestral.

High Cholestral Problems

I finally found out why I'm always feeling sluggish and tired.

My cholestral has always been a problem, but another issue sent me to the doctor yesterday. Was I surprised at the status of my body! Okay, I'm not one to share this type of personal thing but haven't we all wondered about how to feel better. As Boomer years come around, don't you start to worry about each little ache and pain?

I've always been healthy. When others were falling victim to the latest flu or other epdemic, I walked around being healthy. My problem was feeling lagged out at times. The first time I just couldn't get up and going I was pretty young (relative, young - around 30 something). A full physical showed high cholestral. I didn't even know what that was.

I started exercising and watching my weight finally getting the problem under control. Over the years, the problem has returned no matter what.

Of course, gaining weigth didn't help. But I'm also one of those peole that could have a hereditary issue with cholestral meaning the liver produces too much cholestral. Bringing the levels under control becomes an uphill battle.

But I'm determined to get healthy. Are you on a cholestral control journey too?