The Year of Ultimate HEALTH

Are you ready to start disgesting the issues that plague your health? Join us for the Year of Ultimate Health for Baby Boomers!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Is There Hope for Cancer Problems?

Cancer is a disease that has no respect for persons. That means it strikes anyone. I know, as I've recently experience this in my immediate family with great sadness. Baby Boomers are totally concerned with the ravages of this disease.

The question continues to be, can cancer be cured?

More than that, the concern could be, can cancer be prevented? Here are a few articles that give some new information and thoughts on this question. Note the relevance of nutrition and healthy eating and healthy foods as wel as an active lifestyle as preventative measures.

Click the titles to go to the articles:

Proof that Cancer is a Man-Made Disease

The Coming Cancer Explosion

Fast Gluten Free Banana Bread

I decided to try some gluten free recipes to see how that affected my stomach. Wheat flour is the usual culprit for creating that bloated, gassy feeling that comes after eating bread products.

I also wanted to find something to do with bananas that get ripe before I get to them. Since drinking smoothies is slowing down during the cold winter mornings, I'm not getting to my bananas as quickly. To keep from throwing those bananas out, try freezing them as they start to get over ripe. Then pull out this banana bread recipe. The only thing I want to try differently is the sugar source. Right now it calls for raw sugar; but I want to try it with Stevia or applesauce to cut down on the sugar.

I adapted this from Bethany Frankel's receipe from The Skinnygirl Dish cookbook.

My adjustments included adding the coconut flakes, nuts, less raw sugar and more butter! I left out the semisweet chocolate chips.

Gluten-Free Banana Bread

Heat oven to 350 degrees F.

Prepare 1 loaf pan: Cut some bakers paper an line the bottom of a loaf pan. Spray lightly with cooking oil or use a bit of coconut oil on a paper towel and oil the bottom and sides of the pan.

Dry Ingredients
1/2 cup raw sugar
1 cup oat flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1/2 crumbled nuts (walnuts/pecans)

Wet Ingredients
1 1/2 tablespoon butter (regular, not margarine)
2 overripe bananas (makes about 2 cups)
1 egg
1-2 teaspoons real vanilla extract

*Mix dry ingredients
*Mix wet ingredients (I melt the butter in microwave or get it to room temperature).
*Pour wet ingredients into the dry and mix well.

Pour batter into the prepared loaf pan and cover loosely with foil

Bake for 30 minutes. Remove the foil, then bake another 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out almost clean. The bread is very moist. I ususally just check that the top is done.

Cool completely, then slick and serve.

This bread is great with herb tea.

If this is your first gluten free bread, see how it settles in your stomach compared to a bread made with wheat flour. Leave a comment to let me know how you like this. If you try another source of sweeterner be sure to add that too.