The Year of Ultimate HEALTH

Are you ready to start disgesting the issues that plague your health? Join us for the Year of Ultimate Health for Baby Boomers!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Bio-individuality is pretty simple. It says that each person is biologically different with different needs for the body.

Knowing that you are an individual can alleviate the stress felt to always be able to react to suggestions that seem to work for others concerning health and wellness.

What works for one person may not work for you. Of course you need macronutrients and micronutrients for the body to function properly. You also have to exercise, get sunshine, drink water and rest. Leave some of these out and you won't experience good health. But the particular types of foods you eat might be very diferent from what others eat.

Some foods can put weight right on your hips while other food take it off. That's why some people can be vegetarians or vegan and feel great while others can't feel any energy without consuming large amounts of red meat.

So you first need to stop and become aware of the type of eater your are. What digests well in your body? What type of foods and food combinations make sense to you, make you feel energetic, make you feel relaxed after eating? It's possible to never take time to figure this out. Sit down right now and ask yourself what foods always "agree" with you? Which foods make you feel gassy, bloated, lethargic? You might be surprised at the responses.

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