The Year of Ultimate HEALTH

Are you ready to start disgesting the issues that plague your health? Join us for the Year of Ultimate Health for Baby Boomers!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 6 Coffee Detox

Woke up this morning feeling a bit better. Some cramping was still there. The chills came and went yesterday by the way which I forgot to mention. Right now at 11:00 a.m. on day 6, my legs are still sore but feeling better. Mentally and emotionally, I need some relief from the pain.

I'm going to drink water like crazy today. I cleaned the water filter yesterday. I had put lemon in the tank but found they get rather funky. So don't take that step, just add lemon to the glass of water instead.

Today is also day 6 of my raw food cleanse. That's going pretty well. I have to admit that I cheated a bit on that. I started putting some raw cashews in my veggie salad about two days ago which set up eating the raw cashews. I guess I'm just really feeling hungry at times. Last night for dinner I fixed a piece of salmon for my husband and had a small piece in my veggie salad. Adding that small piece of protein probably wasn't too bad.

Overall I'm really pleased with the cleanse and detox. I feel much lighter in one week and it's obvious that some weight is coming off. That is a great reward for this "jump-start" program. No doubt I'll keep going on that. I doubt that I'll go back to coffee after this, even for a small amount. It just doesn't seem worth it right now; I'll see how I feel afterwards.

Getting through today will be the problem. It's the 4th of July holiday weekend so I expect my husband will want to go do something. I'm usually the one talking about getting bar-b-que ribs. I can't see doing that after a week of raw foods without tearing up my stomach. But I might fall for a bit of fish.

Everything on the coast will be fish and chips I know. We leave by the Pacfific Ocean where the smaller towns always have some type of festival or something on holidays. It's really a fun thing to enjoy.

I still need to get my green smoothie for the day. That's a part of this adventure that's going very well and I'll start letting you know about that soon.

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