The Year of Ultimate HEALTH

Are you ready to start disgesting the issues that plague your health? Join us for the Year of Ultimate Health for Baby Boomers!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Food and Dental Health

Today I had my regular check up with my Dental Hygenist. She kept looking at me as if something was wrong. The problem was that something was very right. The week before, I went to the Dentist to get a new set of X-Rays. He found nothing wrong with anything in my mouth. You expect to have at least a build up of plague somewhere; but there was nothing.

The hygenist also was surprised. My gums were strong and tight. No plague to dig off and no cavities. She asked what was going on and I told her I had gotten off coffee, drinking smoothies and eating more raw fruits and vegetables.

She told me that dental research confirms that a change in nutrition can affect dental health significantly. This was the first cleaning that didn't hurt. To me it verifies that food is a healer.

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